China: 70 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Egg Fossils Have Been Discovered in Guangdong Province

Ancient dinosaur egg fossils thought to be some 70 million years old have been discovered at a construction site in south-east China.
The remains of five shells were found buried in sandstone in the city of Foshan in China's Guangdong Province, at a depth of around 8 metres (26 feet), where scientists think they laid hidden and preserved since the late Cretaceous period.
"We found five eggs: three were destroyed, but they are still visible," researcher Qiu Licheng from Guangdong's Archaeological Institute told China Central Television (CCTV).
"The other two have their imprints on the stone. The eggs were round in shape, belonging to phytophagous [plant-eating] dinosaurs."
You can see footage of the discovery, which took place last Monday in Foshan, in the video below, with the egg fossils measuring approximately 13–14 centimetres (5.1-5.5 inches) in diameter uncovered in large chunks of red sandstone excavated from a local building site.
According to the archaeologists, the egg shells were damaged to varying degrees, with the veining that marked the shells' surface still visible, and the insides of the eggs filled with sandstone. Read further here......

from: Ibhaobe Samson Eromosele
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