Top 20 Essential Windows RUN Commands that You should Know

Run is a popular tool among the windows users. It allows us to launch many programs and services quickly. There are so many windows run commands. Normally, We don’t use all of them. But, There are some useful commands that we can use for better experience. In this article, You will know about 20 very usefull run commands.
You can open RUN by following several ways. Most popular one is “Pressing Win + R” from keyboard. Another one is “Type RUN in start menu” and click on it or hit Enter. In the new small window, You will see a text field where you can type your command and click on OK to execute it. You also can press Enter from keyboard.

Top 20 Windows RUN Commands that Advanced Windows Users Must Know:

20inetcpl.cpl for Internet Option

This is a very useful command. Normally, We open internet option control panel or Internet Explorer settings. But, This RUN Command inetcpl.cpl can open it very quickly.

19ncpa.cpl for Network Connections

Sometimes, We need to open our network connections window to modify or delete any connections or to change DNS. ncpa.cpl this run command save a few seconds for us by opening connection window within a second.

18perfmon.msc for Performance Window

From windows task manager, We can get basic process usage info. But, Performance window can give us more details. The easiest way to launch it is using perfmon.msc this run command.

17powercfg.cpl for Power Options

Don’t you need it? Right clicking on battery icon and selecting power options is also quite easy and quick. But, For any reasons, Battery icon can be missing! In that case, open Run and type powercfg.cpl and hit enter.

16appwiz.cpl for Programs and Features

Do you want to modify or uninstall any programs? You may go to control panel to open programs and features window. But, Smart users use appwiz.cpl this windows run command.

15regedit for Registry Editor

Who doesn’t need it? Users with good knowledge about windows are using regedit this command to open registry editor.

14firewall.cpl for Windows Firewall

Do you want to turn windows firewall on or off? You may want a quick way to open it. That’s why, This command firewall.cpl is here.

13taskmgr for Windows Task Manager

Though windows 8 and 10 has other quick ways to open task manager quickly, This run command taskmgr is still most popular among some users.

12rstrui for System Restore

Want to open System Restore window more quickly? Just open run and type rstrui. Now, click on OK or hit enter.

11fsmgmt.msc for Share Folders

Wanna get the share folders window more quickly? Run this command fsmgmt.msc.

10cmd for Command Prompt

cmd is a popular command that most peoples are using everyday to open command prompt.

9sysdm.cpl for System Properties

For many reasons we may require to open system properties. But, It is not a very short process to open it. But, You can use sysdm.cpl this run command to launch it quicker.

8msconfig for System Configuration

To troubleshoot any problems or for any reasons, We may need to open System Configuration. The quicker and most popular way to open it is using msconfig.

7gpedit.msc for Local Group Policy Editor

To modify any windows settings according to our preferences, We need local group policy editor. The best way to open it is, Using this gpedit.msc run command.

6devmgmt.msc for Windows Device Manager

If you want to update any driver of your PC, You should use Windows Device Manager to do it quickly. But, Do you know how to open it in shortcut way? Just, Execute this devmgmt.msc run command.

5diskmgmt.msc for Disk Management

To open built-in disk management utility of windows, You can run diskmgmt.msc this command. It is the quickest way to open it.

4verifier for Driver Verifier Manager

Okay, Many peoples don’t know what is driver verifier. It is an excellent tool to identify faulty drivers of your PC. verifier run command is the best way to open it.

3powershell for Windows PowerShell

You can just type powershell in run to open Windows Powershell. This is also a widely used run command.

2mrt for Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool

I think most peoples don’t know about it. MS provides a tool to remove malicious software from your PC. You can just mrt this run command to open it.

1services.msc for Services

According to my opinion, It is a very important run command. Almost all advanced users use services.msc to open services window. Where you can stop or start any services of windows.So, These are top 20 run commands that you should know. These will help you in many cases. Hope, It will help you.
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