Google Chrome Shortcuts for Windows & Mac:
Let’s not wasting your time I will describe possible handy chrome shortcuts for your Windows, Linux & Mac operating system.
New Tab:
To open a tab you may use your courser. But simply pressing Command + T you can open a new tab on your Mac.
For Windows PC, you can press Cltrl + T.
Close Current Tab:
It’s easier to close the current tab on Mac by holding Command + W rather than clicking on “X”. Click Cltrl + W to close current tab on your PC.
Reopen Last Closed Tab:
Unfortunately, you closed your tab mistakenly. In that case there is a way to reopen the closed tab on your chrome browser. Mac users can press Command + Shift + T and PC users can press Cltrl + Shift + T to reopen last closed tab.
View Individual Tab:
You can open several tabs on your chrome browser. To individually view every tab is necessary sometimes. Hold Command + number of the specific tab like 2 or 4. For example Command + 4 and the 4 number specific tab will be viewed. Windows user will also follow this process, hold Cltrl + 2 to jump back to 2 number tab.
Go Previous Tab:
It’s one of the favorite Chrome keyboard shortcuts. To view previous tab Mac users to hold Command + option + left arrow key and Windows users will hold Cltrl + 9.
Go Next Tab:
To go next tab Mac users press Command + option + right arrow key. For PC, hold Cltrl + Tab.
Delete Search:
You may go for a wrong search and need to delete that instantly. Mac users simply go for holding Command + Delete. PC users press Cltrl + Backspace button.
To reload current page on your chrome browser Mac users hold Command + R and on PC press Cltrl + R.
Open Hyperlinked Text in a New Tab & Window:
If you’re reading an article attaching with hyperlink then you may want to open that link in a new tab. Mac users press Command + click on the link and it will open in a new tab. Press Cltrl + click on the link for Windows PC.
To open hyperlink in a new window, Mac users press Shift + click on the link. The process is also same for Windows PC.
Drag Cursor In Search Bar:
Instantly you can drag cursor in the Google Chrome search bar. To do it, Mac users press Command + L and Cltrl + L for PC.
Find Bar:
To find a keyword on the page, press Command + F. For PC, press Cltrl + F.
Save Bookmark:
You want to save current page as bookmark, right? You can do it on your browser. Else, there’s a keyboard shortcuts hack to do it. Hold Command + D for Mac and Cltrl + D for PC.
Downloads Page:
You may need your downloads list to see some references or for something else. I often use this Google Chrome keyboard shortcut on my PC. I hold Cltrl + J for my PC. Mac users can press Command + Shift + J.
Minimize Current Window:
This shortcut is available only on Mac. You can minimize your window on Mac. Press Command + M for it.
Highlight Previous and Next Word in Search:
Previous next word of a search can be important sometimes to highlight. To do it, hold Shift + Option + Left arrow key. For PC, press Cltrl + Left arrow key.
If you need to highlight next word of a search, hold Shift + Option + right arrow key. Windows users press Cltrl + right arrow key.
Chrome Window & Tab Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows & Linux:
There are some similar shortcuts for Windows & Linux. Let’s know them.
- Open a New Window = Cltrl + N
- Leave Google Chrome = Cltrl + Shift + q
- Close Current Window = Alt + F4
- Go to Next Open Tab = Cltrl + Tab / Cltrl + PgDn
- Go to Previous Open Tab = Cltrl + Shift / Cltrl + PgUp
- Open Homepage = Alt + Home
- Close All Tabs & the Browser = Cltrl + Shift + w
- Minimize Current Window = Alt + Space + n
- Maximize Current Window = Alt + Space + x
- Open a New Window in Incognito Mode = Cltrl + Shift + n
Well, these are some Google Chrome handy shortcuts you can try now on Windows, Mac & Linux.
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