From balance to heart and brain: New Year health check for your body

START the New Year by giving yourself a health MOT.

New Year check
Start the New Year by giving yourself a health MOT.

Your balance

The check: Stand on one leg (just lift the other leg slightly off the ground) for one minute.

Why? “Balancing exercises are hugely under-rated but extremely important,” says physiotherapist Tim Allardyce (

The potential problem:
If you struggle to do this, you need to work on your balance because, as you get older, you’re at an increased risk of falls. “Balancing on one leg strengthens the muscles and ligaments around the ankles and knees, improving balance and co-ordination,” explains Tim.

Fix it: Start with 30 seconds standing on one leg next to a wall (just in case you lose balance). “As confidence improves, look to extend the time to a minute – then two. And progress to balancing with your eyes shut.”

Your liver

The check: See if you can go without alcohol for three consecutive nights.

Why? “If you struggle to not drink for three consecutive days, this flags up that you may be developing a problem with dependency,” says Dr Nick Sheron, consultant herpetologist and senior lecturer at the University of Southampton.

The potential problem:
“If you drink every night, you usually drink more at weekends,” he adds.

Fix it: Dr Sheron believes it’s important to interrupt your drinking cycle and take regular breaks from alcohol. That way you lower your risk of becoming psychologically – or physically – dependent and it can also have the effect of lowering or “resetting” your tolerance, so that it becomes easier to cut back.

Use Drinkaware’s free mobile app, available on iPhone and Android, to track consumption and set goals.

Your brain

The check: Draw a clock by hand on a piece of paper, add the numbers then make the hands point to 3.40pm.

Why? This test taps into a wide range of cognitive abilities, including memory and problem-solving as well as “executive” functions, such as planning. Studies have shown it’s a good predictor of cognitive health.

The potential problem: Any difficulty drawing the clock (if the numbers aren’t in the correct order, for instance) may be a sign of mild cognitive impairment or early dementia, warns

Dr Dan Nightingale, a psychotherapist and clinical dementia specialist ( Score one point for a closed circle, one for properly placed numbers, one for including all 12 numbers and one for properly placed hands. Four points indicates good cognitive health; anything less could be a cause for concern.

Fix it: “If any signs in the drawing concern you, see your GP immediately,” he advises.
Woman's eye
Check your eyes using a simple trick

Your eyes

The check: “Stare straight ahead at something for as long as possible,” suggests optometrist Sarah Farrant.

Why? This simple test can identify dry eye.

The potential problem: Feeling discomfort and needing to blink before 10 seconds is a sign of dry eye – a common condition that occurs when the eyes don’t make enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly,” she explains.

“Eyes can become red and feel “gritty” or watery, with symptoms often worsening throughout the day. Common triggers include too much screen time, contact lenses, the weather, central heating and age. Ignoring it can lead to more serious eye health problems, such as macular degeneration,” she warns.

Fix it: We should blink around eight times a minute, but those with dry eyes might blink as little as once or twice a minute. Treat the problem using a good preservative-free eye drop like Hycosan Fresh (£8.99, Boots) for mild dry eye, suitable for contact lens wearers.

Your ears

The check: Ask yourself these five questions, suggests GP Dr Roger Henderson.

● Do you find it hard to hear people talking on the telephone?

● Do you hear better out of one ear than the other when speaking on a phone?

● Do you have trouble following conversation when more than one person is talking?

● Do people complain that you have the TV on too loudly?

● Do you have trouble hearing in noisy environments such as restaurants?

Why? Hearing loss can occur gradually so you can have significant hearing problems without realizing it.

The potential problem: Hearing loss is more than just an annoyance. It can cause major difficulties in relationships, social settings and when speaking with family and friends, and can end up causing social isolation in many people. But if the cause is waxy, blocked-up ears, it’s easy to fix, he says.

Fix it: “If you have a reoccurring issue with waxy ears, try using a solution that includes Bisabolol, like Earex’s Pain Relief Ear Spray,” advises Dr Henderson. If you feel there is an underlying problem ask your GP about a hearing test.

Your teeth

The check: Check the color of your gums and the length of your front teeth, suggests Dr Mervyn Druian of The London Center for Cosmetic Dentistry ( “If gums are red and swollen and you notice that your teeth are getting longer – in other words, your gums are receding – this is a problem.”

Why? If your gums are swollen and receding it’s likely you have gum disease.

The potential problem: It’s estimated that half the adult population has some degree of gum disease. “Left untreated, it can cause a wide range of health problems, including tooth loss,” says Dr Druian.

Fix it: Increase your oral hygiene routine by brushing twice a day and flossing once. If you don’t get on with flossing, try inter-dental brushes. Ask your hygienist for advice.

Anyone who is concerned about their pulse should speak to their GP', expert says

Your heart

The check: Hold out your hand with your palm facing up. Using your other hand, put the pads of your middle finger and index finger on the inside of your wrist, where a watch strap would sit. Feel your pulse for 20 to 30 seconds to check if it’s regular or irregular.

Why? A pulse check is a good way of checking your heart’s rhythm, says GP and stroke prevention expert Dr Yassir Javaid.

The potential problem: Many people don’t realise that an irregular heart beat could be a sign of atrial fibrillation (AF), which can increase the risk of stroke by up to six times. It affects around 1.5 million of us and can make you feel tired, short of breath, dizzy and faint. Often we dismiss symptoms as a “normal” part of ageing.

Fix it: “Anyone who is concerned about their pulse should speak to their GP,” advises Dr Javaid. Visit for more information.

Your gut

The check: Eat sweetcorn with your meal and keep an eye on your stools.

Why? The body can’t digest the yellow outer shell of the kernels so see how long it takes for you to notice it in your stools, says Dr Anton Emmanuel, consultant gastroenterologist at University College Hospital, London. “A transit time from 24 to 48 hours is normal – anything more than 72 hours is considered slow.”

The potential problem: If your gut isn’t working properly, it can take longer for food to be processed – a problem which can indicate IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or more serious gut problems.

Fix it: It may simply be a case of increasing the fibre content of your diet (essentially bran, pulses, beans and leafy vegetables) – though transit times can be affected by many things including dehydration and even painkillers. “But if you’re worried and have other symptoms such as bleeding, weight loss or severe pain, see your GP,” he adds.

Your leg strength

The check: Without using your arms to assist, stand up from a chair and sit down. Do this for 30 seconds without stopping.

Why? It’s a simple indicator of leg strength.

The potential problem: If you find this difficult, there’s a good chance you have muscle weakness in your legs or osteoarthritis in the knees, warns Tim Allardyce.

Fix it: “Practise doing this every day as it’s a great workout for the body and will improve leg strength and anaerobic fitness,” he advises. If you have concerns with joint pain and stiffness, see your GP.

Your waist

The check: Measure your waist and hips, which can be tricky if you don’t have a clear waist. Do this by feeling for your hip bone and bottom rib on one side. Halfway between is where your waist should be. Measure your hips at the widest point and divide the first reading by the second to get your waist-to-hip ratio.

Why? Research suggests you don’t have to be overweight for your waist size to adversely affect your health.

The potential problem: “Although any excess weight can cause health problems, belly fat is associated with a particular pattern of health problems that we call ‘metabolic syndrome’ – Type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, high blood pressure and heart disease,” warns Dr Sally Norton, consultant surgeon, weight-loss expert and founder of VavistaLife (

Fix it: “If your waist-to-hip ratio is over 0.85 for women or one for men, you need to take action to reduce your waist circumference,” warns Dr Norton. Go back to basics on portion sizes and fill up on vegetables and lean protein rather than refined carbs. Increase your aerobic exercise and cut down on stress, as the stress hormone cortisol can increase central fat deposits.

Your feet

The check: As soon as you get out of bed, analyse your first few steps, advises podiatrist Matthew Fitzpatrick. Is there a burning sensation in the heel and arch?

Why? You may have plantar fasciitis or heel bursitis.

The potential problem: Both involve the soft tissues under the heel and are linked to mechanical stresses and strains from daily activity. Left untreated, both problems will get worse.

Fix it: “The use of in-shoe devices – orthotics – or specific stretching regimes can help support or reduce the localised damage in the heel,” he says.

Fix it: Improve your memory using visualisation, suggest Chester. “Visualise a monkey dancing around in your mind, making monkey noises. He picks up a gigantic iron and it starts to fall, but a rope – that feels rough in texture – attaches itself to the iron and you look up to see the other end is attached to a kite, just out of your reach in the sky. The kite now crashes into the side of a house, like a cartoon playing in your head, and you realise the house us completely covered in paper.

You then look down at your shoe because you’ve realised it smells pretty bad, so you look inside to find out why and a little worm comes crawling out of the shoe, jumps inside an envelope and a pencil appears out of nowhere.

It writes all over the envelope before the pencil jumps into a river and there’s a huge splash, the river is crashing up against a rock, which then crashes into a tree. The tree is growing cheese on it and out of each piece of cheese shoots a pound coin.

”Now how many do you remember? “That’s the story method,’ explains Santos. ‘Now take that and apply it to giving a speech/ presentation without notes. It will help you commit it all to memory. Very simple images can remind you of a much broader concept.”

Your Teeth (alternative)

The check: Do your gums bleed when brushing your teeth?

Why? “Poor oral hygiene is the main cause of bleeding gums which can develop when plaque is not removed effectively and leads to gum disease,” warns Elaine Tilling, TePe’s Clinical Head of Education and member of the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT).

The potential problem: Gum disease can trigger a whole range of health problems including tooth loss and starts in the space between the teeth where your toothbrush does not reach. (It’s estimated that half the adult population has some degree of gum disease).

Fix it: Brushing only cleans 60% of the tooth’s surface, leaving the remaining surfaces susceptible to plaque build-up. “Recent reviews of the evidence for the long-term effectiveness of dental floss have shown that it is not as effective as Interdental brushes for the removal of plaque and reduction in inflammation,” says Elaine.

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